Novi Vinodolski, Župa Arhiv

Breviarium Novi II Facsimile Edition

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The second Novi Breviary is a large codex of 500 folios. The greater part of it was transcribed by Priest Martinac from the district of Lapac in Grobnic, one of the free medieval Vinodol communes. In his colophons he mentions 1493, 1494 and 1495 as the years in which the codex was written and finished. It was inscribed for the Pauline monastery and the Church of St. Mary on Osap, a little hill outside the walls of Novi Vinodol. The Pauline monks in the glagolitic areas celebrated the Old Slav services from glagolitic liturgical books. The script, particularly that of Priest Martinac is neat and legible liturgical script in square Croatioan glagolitic as was use in the 14 and 15 centuries. In lagiage the codex is the Croation redaction of Church Slav. The texts date from the 10th to the 15th centuries, and old and new linguistic elements are intermixed. The breviary retains entire the breviary of the Roman Curia distinguished by lessons of considerable length and detailed descriptions of the offices in the rubrics.

1. Proprium de tempore (fol. 1-267d)

2. Calendar (fol. 268-275)

3. Psalterium (fol. 276a-322c)

4. Officium defunctorum (fol. 322c-324c)

5. Commune Sanctorum (fol. 324c-355c)

6. Officium "de Beata" (fol. 356a-359c)

7. Proprium sanctorum (fol. 382a-500d) 

All the components of this codex: language, script, illuminations, and text are characterised by a mixture of older forms and newer innovations. They present a wide field of interest to scholars in linguistics, and philology, and to librarians, liturgists, musicologists and historians of art.

We have 1 facsimile edition of the manuscript "Breviarium Novi II": Breviarium Novi II facsimile edition, published by Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt (ADEVA), 1977

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Breviarium Novi II

Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt (ADEVA), 1977

  • Commentary (German) by Pantelić, Marija; Nazor, Anica
  • This is a partial facsimile of the original document, Breviarium Novi II: the facsimile might represent only a part, or doesn't attempt to replicate the format, or doesn't imitate the look-and-feel of the original document.

The facsimile is the complete reproduction of the whole original document. The facsimile is partially colored (8 pp. reproduced in full color, the others in black and white) and is reduced in size compared to the original document (book size: 275 x 205 mm.) The pages are represented on a larger white background.


Half leather.

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